How to add user rights for an employee in Canteen module

rights, employee, canteen

English Slovenčina

User rights can be set by the administrator and only to employees - i.e., with the teacher's account. An employee with user rights for the canteen module can then manage the module as an administrator.
It is strongly advised against having multiple school employees working under the administrator login.

The administrator must also make the module accessible to everyone.
Canteen module and user access

Rights can be added in the overview of user rights

In the left sidebar menu, choose 'Overview' and select the 'User Rights' tile at the end of the list.
More information on User rights - Overview

In the column 'Canteen - Administration' , check the right for the user who will be managing the canteen module at the school.

If the right is not found in the top row of the rights list, add it through 'Select Columns.'

In the rights overview, there are two other rights with the name 'Menu' - however, these are not for editing the menu or the canteen module but for modifying the design on the website.


If the canteen manager needs to work with meal payments, it is necessary to assign her user rights to the school canteen bank account. This can be done in the payments module:
Setting of school bank accounts and rights in payment module

- Do not grant the canteen manager the right to administer the entire payments module.
- Granting the canteen manager the right to administer the canteen module and the right to the canteen's bank account is fully sufficient.

===> This way, you will achieve a state where the canteen manager will only see her account, her payments, import only her bank statements, ...


In the case, when the school does not prepare meals and someone else provides them, it is possible to generate a link from EduPage. Through this link, an external supplier without their own account can inquire the number of ordered meals for individual days.
Summary of orders (both quantities and a list of names) and sharing for an external food supplier.