Na čo slúžia semináre?
How can I input individual students
How can I input students picks
How to create sections of courses for subjects
Ako zadať seminárové hodiny
Práca so seminármi v rozvrhu
How can I assign students to groups manually
Funkcia "Preskup študentov v seminároch"
Niektoré seminárové hodiny nevidno v rozvrhu triedy, iba v rozvrhu učiteľa, v čom je problém?
Max students for certain seminar lesson
How to generate timetable with students
The student’s timetable view
Pending students view
Student can have max 3 gaps per day
Printing individual student's timetables
How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
Student choices - Importance
Student's can select/request courses at our school